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Petroleum jobs in Mexico![]() Oil energy reform revealed a stark reality: the lack of talent in that sector. The shortage of human capital in the oil, gas and power industry puts Mexico in a state of "alert" to meet demand for the next projects, human resources specialists warn. Until now, the need for professionals in these sectors has been covered by civil engineers, mechanical metal, mechatronics and even civil, but is not a strategy that will forever, or give the best results, said Eduardo Garcia Garcia, Vice Chancellor of Institutional Engineering Universidad del Valle de Mexico (UVM). In Mexico engineers are formed but not in strategic areas for development. The focus is on traditional manufacturing, and the challenge is to create profiles in oil, energy management, project management, energy efficiency, new methods for extracting gas, among others, Garcia said. "We go missing specialized table to work on new forms of power, because today many of the technologies from abroad, but who needs evolve and then integrate them in the country. Professional German, Spanish, are the most imported talent, "said the rector. Other Petroleum jobs
In Mexico, 27 higher education institutions provide career of petroleum engineering. 85% of enrollment is concentrated in the UNAM and Polytechnic. In 2012 only 654 students in petroleum engineering received, while 5,984 came out of engineering oriented manufacturing and construction, according to data from the National Association of Institutions and Higher Education (ANUIES). The number of oriented electrical engineers just over 216 in Mexico City, according to data from the Statistical Oil careers for students"The low number of students enrolled in oil careers is that the only option for work was Pemex, the monopolistic nature of the business made entering this industry unattractive," said Hector Marquez, commercial director of Manpower Group for Mexico and Central America. Graduates, only 20% work in the private sector, the rest in Pemex. However, transnational companies pay 40% above that Petroleos Mexicanos. There is a dynamic sector with an opportunity to invest and recruit talent in different places, the problem is that no staff ready, and one of the options has been imported to the people, mentioned Nicholas Roman, section manager engineer of the firm Hays. "I remember the case of offshore oil company looking for professionals to maintain offshore oil platform compressors. It took over a year to close the square. Locate an expert in bidding projects can take up to eight months, "exemplified Roman. Servicing offshore oil platform is one of the most demanded jobs. Other jobs requested are technical in geoscience, drilling engineers, specialists in sales and project management for the petrochemical industry, as well as repair technicians. In addition to oil employment opportunities exist, usually have optimum compensation. Considering the case of who performs maintenance work compressors, platform, there are an estimated salary of 60 to 80 pesos a month. According to data from the Global Salary Guide in Petroleum and Energy (O & G) 2014, Hays, Mexico had an increase in wages in oil industry in 2014, a 37% increase over 2013. Fill oil vacancies with other professionals, such as engineers or graduates metalworking geoscience, is not the solution. "Teaching an engineer who was prepared to design turbines or engines, to do maintenance of offshore oil drilling platform or understand electrical interconnection system is not fast, takes time and costs for the company," Garcia said. The representative of Hays warned that if organizations in the country want to meet the demand of projects should stop clinging to "political" as delaying training for fear that business projects do not materialize. "Pemex may not be the only way to train people. Not when the industry opens to global opportunities, "coindicen respondents. What oil jobs needs country? This predicament is not unique to Mexico but the industry in general. Demand for petroleum engineers and, in general, of those careers related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (commonly referred to STEM) has continued to grow by developments in deepwater projects and revolution shale. Only in the United States, the Department of Education estimates a 14% increase in jobs related to STEM oil careers in this decade, derived from energy boom currently enjoyed by our northern neighbor. More Petroleum jobs
In order to create talent in STEM careers, math is the foundation base. The challenge for Mexico offshore oil industry can not be greater. According to PISA 2012, 55% of Mexican students did not reach the level of basic skills in mathematics and only 1% achieved the highest levels of competition. On average, a student in Mexico obtained 413 points in math, a widely low considering that the OECD average is 494. To further level perspective, this handicap of 81 points translates into a difference of almost two years of schooling. In science, the results are similar. That size is the lag drag racing Mexico's energy future. An example of this lag is in the case of Zacatecas, a state mining excellence. With a history of over 500 years in production, mainly silver, the state should be one of the spearheads of the country in careers associated with that activity. However, a degree in environmental sciences at the State University instituted just four generations ago. Mexico could not capitalize and transcend the vastness of knowledge that is part of its very identity. Send your CV to admin@goodoiljob.com Home > Petroleum jobs in Mexico